Category: Embedded
Points: 100
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As a special agent serving the ECW faction you must decode an intercepted message on a theater of
operation between two enemy agents. For this task, your radio specialist delivers the message (which
seems to be encrypted) as well as the firmware of a cryptographic terminal that is unfortunately
To you to play agent ECW 007 ...
| ||||||||| `--------' | O
/ XXXXXX /'| /'
/ ====== / `\ /'
/ ECW007 /`-------'
/ ====== /
Files: secret.enc, cryptomachine.bin
Note: The challenge organizers do not allow the sources to be made available.
The emulation of a firmware with Unicorn Engine allows us to recover an encrypted message with brute force.
Our objective is to find the encrypted message thanks to the frimware of an "cryptographic terminal" delivered by a "radio specialist".
We quickly find ourselves faced with a big problem because we have no information about this firmware.
>_ file -k cryptomachine.bin
cryptomachine.bin: data
>_ strings cryptomachine.bin
| /h?
To analyze the firmware we need at least its architecture. By searching on google for chips dedicated to encryption we come across DSP which seem to correspond to the characteristics of our firmware according to the description of the challenge.
On Wikipedia there is a list of chips that could potentially be implemented in our "cryptographic terminal".
The problem is that these chips do not all run under the same architecture. Fortunately binwalk can help us on this point with the -A
-A, --opcodes Scan target file(s) for common executable opcode signatures
>_ binwalk -A cryptomachine.bin
132 0x84 ARM instructions, function prologue
640 0x280 ARM instructions, function prologue
Cool, now we know it's ARM but not which version. Fortunately, by analyzing it with IDA you can not specify the version of ARM and it manages on its own.
And decompilation works quite well:)
Note that in the loc_40
instruction, SP is set to address 0x10000. This means that the memory allocated to the program starts or ends at this address. It depends on how we implement the stack. (See here for more information)
To determine where the memory is located I used the beginning of the main function where some data are loaded. In var_X
are loaded data from negative addresses and in the register R1
is loaded data from address 0x10618 which corresponds to 0x618 in the decompiled code, so to the value 0x94.
ROM:00000618 DCB 0x94
We deduce that the address 0x10000 is the top of the stack. So the firmware is loaded from this address.
Analyzing the rest of the instructions, we notice that the code occurs in 2 steps.
First, it seems that there is an initialization phase where data is loaded from specific addresses 0x101F1000
and 0x101F1018
The suite looks more like encryption when viewed from the structure. We notice that there are 4 distinct large blocks.
After analysis, it appears that the blocks are used to encryption. We also notice that they do not depend on each other.
We can see that after each encryption block the program always performs the same operations. Example with the functions loc_4B0
and loc_4C0
Note that the function sub_84
is called after each encryption block. We find our 2 "special" addresses 0x101F1000
and 0x101F1018
. After a search on qwant it turns out that these addresses correspond to UART0 where 0x101F1000
corresponds to the Data Register where the read/write data is transmitted and 0x101F1018
to the Flag Register which indicates whether there is any data left to read or write.
We can therefore imagine that after each encryption block the output is displayed on the encryption terminal.
Now that we know how the firmware works to encrypt, all that remains is to implement a decryption algo.
But I'm lazy...
Since the encryption blocks are independent of each other, a brute force is possible within a reasonable time.
To avoid bothering to implement the algo in another language I decided to use Unicorn Engine. This framework is very useful because it allows you to emulate a binary on any architecture. In addition it has an API that allows it to be used with python.
There's just one little problem....
There is just a small example script for each architecture.... And some examples of implementations found here and here via yandex.
To use Unicorn with python you must first initialize the emulator.
# Initialize emulator in ARM mode
# map memory for this emulation
# - Stack + ROM
mu.mem_map(0x0, 0x20000)
# - UART addresses
mu.mem_map(0x101F1000, 1*1024)
# write machine code to be emulated to memory
ARM_CODE = open("cryptomachine.bin" ,'rb').read()
mu.mem_write(0x10000, ARM_CODE)
Then we will initialize a HOOK_CODE
which will allow us to control the execution of the code after each instruction.
Example with the display of the contents of the registers after each instruction.
def hook_code(uc, address, size, user_data):
print(">>> Tracing instruction at 0x%x, instruction size = 0x%x" %(address, size))
print("> R0 = 0x%x" %mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R0))
print("> R1 = 0x%x" %mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R1))
print("> R2 = 0x%x" %mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R2))
print("> R3 = 0x%x" %mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R3))
print("> R4 = 0x%x" %mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R4))
print("> R5 = 0x%x" %mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_R5))
print("> LR = 0x%x" %mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_LR))
print("> SP = 0x%x" %mu.reg_read(UC_ARM_REG_SP))
ADDRESS = 0x10000
mu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, begin=ADDRESS, end=ADDRESS+len(ARM_CODE))
Now we will be able to emulate our firmware with this function.
mu.emu_start(ADDRESS_START, ADDRESS_STOP, count=100000)
And here is the complete script to brute force the encrypted message.
#!/usr/bin/env python2
from unicorn import *
from unicorn.arm_const import *
import struct
import binascii
# memory address where emulation starts
ADDRESS = 0x10000
ARM_CODE = open("cryptomachine.bin" ,'rb').read()
INPUT_A_STR = 0x101F1000
instructions_skip_list = [0x1030C, 0x10334, 0x10374, 0x105E8, 0x103C8, 0x1043C, 0x104B0, 0x10530, 0x105A8, 0x105CC]
first_loop = True
secret = "49D29B343820ADFF3DBCFC29392DFCFD3B90FCF7390DAFF9347EFBFF3AA9F8FA38E6FB003A3AFE2B3DBCFB2B37BCFEFB36EAFEFE363AF82D653AF5CD35A9FF046990A8CA81"
flag = ''
string_tested = ''
# Right format int
def p32(num):
return struct.pack("I", num)
# callback for tracing instructions
def hook_code(uc, address, size, user_data):
global OUTPUT
global first_loop
global string_tested
#End the programm on second loop i.e. redo cipher
if address == 0x102EC :
if first_loop:
first_loop = not first_loop
#Skip the instruction because there is an input
mu.reg_write(UC_ARM_REG_PC, 0x105E0)
if address == 0x1032C:
#Skip the instruction because there is an input
mu.reg_write(UC_ARM_REG_PC, address+size)
mu.mem_write(0xFEE8, string_tested)
if address in instructions_skip_list:
mu.mem_write(INPUT_A_CONTINUE, p32(0x80))
OUTPUT += mu.mem_read(0x101F1000, 0x1)
def emule_firmware():
# map memory for this emulation
mu.mem_map(0x0, 0x20000)
mu.mem_map(0x101F1000, 1*1024)
# write machine code to be emulated to memory
mu.mem_write(ADDRESS, ARM_CODE)
# write in memory
mu.mem_write(INPUT_A_CONTINUE, p32(0x40))
# tracing one instruction at ADDRESS with customized callback
mu.hook_add(UC_HOOK_CODE, hook_code, begin=ADDRESS, end=ADDRESS+len(ARM_CODE))
# emulate machine code
#100000 instructions max -> stop if infinite loop
mu.emu_start(ADDRESS_START, ADDRESS_STOP, count=100000)
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Initialize emulator in ARM mode
# and define mu as global
CHARS = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890_{}"
chr_hex = ''
#Compute chars
for c in CHARS:
chr_hex += binascii.hexlify(c)
chr_hex = chr_hex.upper()
flag = ''
for i in xrange(0, len(secret), 2):
for c in xrange(0, len(chr_hex), 2):
mu = None
first_loop = True
string_tested = flag+chr_hex[c:c+2]
out = OUTPUT.split("C:")[1].strip()
if secret[i:i+2] in out[i:i+2]:
flag += chr_hex[c:c+2]
print("flag = %s" %binascii.unhexlify(flag))
We run the script and in 5 min we get the flag:)
>_ ./
flag = E
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